
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Review: Orijen Dry Cat Food

Alright so since our review of the Science Diet Cat food it had us thinking more about the food that our girls are consuming. We ran out of the Science Diet dry food and were in need of more dry food. There is a organic market up the street (MOM's Organic Market) and is closer than running to the grocery store so I thought I would run in and grab them a small bag of food until we can get to the store. While in there I came across this bag of Orijen cat food. The first thing that caught my attention was the "Pet Food of The Year" labels under the Product name. This was for back to back years 2009-2010 & 2010-2011. I have to admit with the pet food scare we had some time ago this is real important finding a reliable food for our girls. At first they weren't sure about the new food. In fact our youngest cat was the first to try it and actually ate a good bit of it. It wasn't until the next day before the oldest would try any. Once they both ate the food they didn't hesitate eating more. I did some more research on cat's diets and came across the following.

Grains first appeared in pet food about 70 years ago, when consumers were much less educated about pet nutrition than today and wanted the convenience of dog or cat food in a bag. Pet food manufacturers were able to reduce costs by using inexpensive calories from grains and grain byproducts.
While grains such as rice or wheat provided low-cost calories, their high carbohydrate content and high-glycemic properties cause blood sugar swings and elevation, which leads to excess body fat, diabetes and a host of related health problems.
The fact is that cats and dogs are simply not evolved to metabolize the large quantities of cereal grains found in today's conventional pet foods, and are designed to metabolize their energy from protein and fat.

What we have noticed in the girls since we've been feeding them this grain free dry food is that Sarah our youngest cat who has been having a lot of hairballs hasn't been leaving us messes around the house. It hasn't stopped them but it has cut down on them a lot. The other is they are much more active. Learning more about cat's diets and cat food in general I have not and do not plan on purchasing their old food we have fed them for years.
This Orijen food seems like another winner in the eyes of our cats, and for us the retailer is close by. However just like the Science Diet food you are limited to where you can find this food. The other thing also similar to the Science Diet food is the price. It is a little more than what we paid for in the chain grocery store, but then again I guess you get what you pay for. Orijen you have our business.


Disclaimer: All products were purchased by me and reviewed by me and my experience using this product.  I am not affiliated with the company nor was I paid for my review.  All opinions are my own personal opinions.


  1. Dry cat food contains more starch and more carbohydrates than canned cat food. Cats on dry food-only diets are slightly more prone to obesity and diabetes than cats who eat wet food.

  2. There is a organic market up the street (MOM's Organic Market) and is closer than running to survival warehouse food the grocery store so I thought I would run in and grab them a small bag of food until we can get to the store. While in there I came across this bag of Orijen cat food.


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